
Discover useful tips and news from the world of real estate in our magazine. Get inspired and stay up to date!




Real estate easements

Easements can present significant problems for the property owner. What should you look for when inspecting to avoid inconvenience? What are the different types of easements? What is an easement...

Rent, sublet, lease - what is the difference between them and what does it mean?

There are many uncertainties in the area of rental housing. To start with, let's clarify the basic concepts - specifically the difference between renting, subletting and renting. In short: Rent is a relationship...

Reasons for termination of the lease. Do you know them?

There are rules for terminating a lease. How should you proceed? In short: Both the tenant and the landlord can give notice. The notice should respect the reasons set out in the Civil Code. Notice of termination...

Right of pre-emption: what does it mean and when does it apply to you?

The right of pre-emption is an important issue for both buyers and sellers. Let's explain it in more detail. Summary.

Immobilienmakler in Prag, Tschechische Republik

Als erfahrener Immobilienmakler biete ich Ihnen umfassende und professionelle Dienstleistungen für jede Phase Ihrer Immobilientransaktion an - von der Bewertung bis zum erfolgreichen Verkauf oder der...

Real Estate Agent in Prague, Czech Republic

As an experienced real estate agent, I offer comprehensive and professional services in all stages of a real estate transaction - from valuation to successful sale or lease. I operate mainly in...

Community property and real estate - how to proceed with a sale or inheritance?

What does and does not belong to the community property? How is the sale of a matrimonial property dealt with? What about inheritance? What does the narrowing and division of the community of property mean? We bring...

Apartment prices 2024

How will property prices evolve in 2024? The most frequent comparison is the prices of apartments and their development per m2. Let's take a look at how prices are in 2024. At the end of last year, the average apartment in...

CT1 report on property prices

Michal Bláha on the current development of real estate prices - February 2024. There are big differences in price development across the regions. In the RE/MAX network, we are seeing increases in sales, banks are gradually easing interest...

Overview of Different Types of Income from Real Estate

How is the rental income calculated? 1. Rental Yield Rental Yield is a basic indicator for rental property investors. It measures the ratio between annual rental income and...

Market value, normal price, price ascertained

Usual price This form of price is set by law and is based on an analysis of past property sales. In setting this price, sales prices of similar properties are compared. The expert...

Proposal for entry into the Land Registry

Information required for the proposal for entry into the Land Register What is the meaning of "proposal for entry into the Land Register"? What are the costs associated with its submission? And how exactly does this...


What is the meaning of the BPEJ code and where can I find a map of this unit? We answer the most common questions about the Bonified Soil Ecological Unit (BPEJ). What does BPEJ mean for a property? In short, the...

Podcast: In Reality with guest Michal Bláha

How did two rookies achieve success in changing their careers? Annelie Herz and Michal Bláha: They describe their successful real estate start. They are people with different approaches but the same goal - to provide...

Property Sales Tax 2023 - Who has to pay it? And how to proceed with inheritance?

Property tax return for 2022. Wondering when property tax is due and how to fill in the return? Have you acquired a property by inheritance and sold it? This article will give you a hint. Facts.

How to sell a property for the most money when the market is down?

How to sell a property for the most money, when thu is falling? The property market has taken a turn in recent months, with prices starting to fall after many years of steady growth. If...

How to survive a market downturn?

6 ways to manage a market downturn - that's what the most successful real estate agents do. We have to be honest that the current time (2022-2023) is not the easiest for real estate agents. Transactions...

Co-ownership of real estate

In short: It is not necessary to follow the view that it is necessary to offer your co-ownership share for purchase to the other co-owners when selling the property. The only exception is in the case of inheritance, where this is...

Exclusive sale

What are the advantages and disadvantages of entering into an exclusive contract with a real estate agent and what does such a contract mean? Are you considering selling your property and looking for a real estate agent to help you sell...

Areas of real estate

Do you know the types of surfaces in the apartment and house? How do usable, floor, living and total areas differ from each other? The size of a property is an important factor for many people interested in the real estate market. However, it can...

Preparing the property for sale

Professional preparation of the property for sale to achieve the highest selling price is absolutely essential When selling a property, as with everything else, the better the preparation, the higher the...

Nomenclature in real estate

A great summary of real estate terminology An annuity - a payment to retire a loan, consisting of both the payment itself and interest. The amount is the same for the duration of the repayment. At the beginning, the principal of the greater...

How much is the commission of the real estate agent and brokers?

And who's paying for it? These are the questions we answer most often. Let's take a look at how estate agent remuneration works for property sales. Who pays it and what is the amount of the fee? This topic...

How to choose the right trader/real estate agent?

Are you selling a property and don't have the time or the nerve to deal with the sale in person? First of all, let me give you a short introduction. My name is Michal Bláha and I am an active trader for over 20 years with an international...

How to sell a property with a mortgage?

Instructions and procedure If you are considering selling a property with a mortgage and do not know how to proceed due to a lien on the property, do not worry. It is common practice to sell a property encumbered by a mortgage...

Property subinsurance

It applies to you. How to solve it? As property prices rise, the risk of underinsurance increases. This can have unwanted consequences for you, but we have tips on how to deal with it and be in...