Estimation of the property price

What is the price trend of your property - apartment, house, cottage or land?

Free online property price estimate

In the last few years, the value of real estate in many places in the Czech Republic has changed significantly. If you are interested in finding out what the current value of your property is, fill out the short form and I will provide you with a free estimate. I specialize in Prague, Central Bohemia, Pilsen and the surrounding area

1. Smart tools

When I do an appraisal of an apartment or house, I use the latest technological tools, such as price maps that use land registry data to determine accurate property prices

2. Experienced appraiser

Knowing the location of the property is key, as it allows you to take into account influences in the valuation that are not included in current smart apps

3. Exact result

I will provide you with a detailed overview of the value of your property and an estimate of the selling price. This will give you plenty of time to consider your next course of action

1. Smart tools

When I do an appraisal of an apartment or house, I use the latest technological tools, such as price maps that use land registry data to determine accurate property prices

2. Experienced appraiser

Knowing the location of the property is key, as it allows you to take into account influences in the valuation that are not included in current smart apps

3. Exact result

I will provide you with a detailed overview of the value of your property and an estimate of the selling price. This will give you plenty of time to consider your next course of action

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My process for selling your property

In the last few years, the value of real estate in many places in the Czech Republic has changed significantly. If you are interested in finding out what the current value of your property is, fill out the short form and I will provide you with a free estimate. I specialize in Prague, Central Bohemia, Pilsen and the surrounding area

Real estate for rent Plzen
Michal Bláha

Sell the property with me and you I'll make you more money without the hassle
